How to Pray for Children

“Children are a heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3).

A burdened heart . . . arising in the night . . .crying out to God . . . uplifted hands . . . flowing tears . . .desperation. This is the picture in Lamentations 2. It is the “daughters of Zion,” the church, pleading with God for their young children swooning (dying), fainting because of hunger (both spiritual and natural) in the street (Lamentations 2:11).

Too often young children are considered insignificant and unimportant when it comes to spiritual matters. When this nonchalant attitude toward young children exists, they are neglected in prayer. If we choose to follow the example of Jesus, children will be an extremely vital part of our prayers. Jesus pressed little children and infants close to His heart. He prayed for them and blessed them. When He was criticized for this action, He was moved with indignation and emphatically declared, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). (Also see Luke 18:15-18.) When religious leaders of Jesus’ day observed the wonderful things Jesus did and the children crying in the Temple, “Hosanna to the son of David,” they were irate and demanded of Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” Jesus answered, “Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” (Matthew 21:15-17). (Also see Psalm 8:2.)

Pray for the children of the world. Satanic influence begins, in too many cases, before the birth of a child. Drug- addicted, sin-laden, idol-worshiping parents are oblivious to the effects their lifestyle perpetuates upon their offspring. Look for news reports about places and people whose lives are bound with idolatry and other ungodly practices. Pray for the innocent children brought into these situations. Pray for the children who live in these nations. Focus on the troubles of those nations and pray accordingly. Never give up praying for the Lord to send laborers into these places to bring the good news of the power of God to deliver from sin and fill these lost souls with His Holy Spirit.

Who will put forth the time and effort to maximize instead of minimizing the influence God will have upon a child’s life if prayer is made for them?

Along with this prayer, pray for the children around the world who are mistreated, abused, and erroneously led into false teachings that will cause their souls to be lost in eternity unless they are reached with the truth.


Pray for your children and your friend’s children. Your own children and those of your friends are most familiar to you. These children are the closest to you. You know many of their needs. In many cases you are aware of their spiritual standing with God. Pray for their salvation. Pray that God will strengthen their weaknesses in spiritual things. Pray for them to use their talents and gifts for the glory of God and his kingdom.

Pray for your neighborhood children. Every neighborhood has its own set of problems. Instead of complaining, pray! Prayer will make a difference! Pray for the unruly child in your neighborhood. Pray for the neighborhood bully. He may only need to know somebody loves him and is praying for him. Pray for all the children in your community that they will be blessed of the Lord. Jesus loves them no matter what home they have and no matter how sinful and mischievous they may be. As we pray, we must also love them as Jesus loves them.

Pray for children of leaders. There is a furious attack from the devil upon leadership in the end time. The enemy knows he can cause within leaders frustration, confusion, and often despair when he attacks their children. Satan is no gentleman. He is ruthless. He barges in, if he possibly can, and wreaks havoc in children’s lives. He has no care just because they are innocent children. His vicious venom is prepared to contaminate the children of leaders. Pray for your church leaders’ children—the minister’s children, the Sunday school teacher’s children and all other leadership’s children. Pray for your local, state, and national leaders’ children. You may sense a special anointing when you pray for leaders’ children. If this is so, possibly God has called you for special intercession in this area.

Search until you can find the names of all the children for whom you are praying. Perhaps it will be possible to find some of their most crucial needs. Focus your praying. Pray specifically for these children by name and for their individual needs. In your spirit, hold them close as you would hold your own children and love them with your heart!

The prayers of the righteous avail much! Thousand of tons of snow have been known to thunder down a mountainside because one skier shouted a few words. The snow was ready to move. It only needed a small disturbance.

So it is with prayer when it moves the Holy Spirit into action. A few words, focused, fervently and fitly spoken in prayer with faith in the name of Jesus, can set off an avalanche of God’s power in the lives of children throughout the world.

Pray for children.


How to Pray for Families


How to Pray for Youth