The “PrayerNet” is a newly-reintroduced prayer initiative that represents an external prayer support structure for pastors and churches. The “PrayerNet” is designed to provide pastoral and congregational support for all pastors and churches within a local vicinity. The Church is living in the “last days” and in the season of the imminent return of Christ, a season where pastors and churches are under even greater attack from the Adversary, and it is essential that we pray! It also is a time that God is desiring to bring the ministry in the forefront to lead in GREAT revival and harvest. Consequently, we need the “PrayerNet” NOW! All pastors and churches are ardently requested to implement the “PrayerNet.”


The entwining objective of the “PrayerNet” is for each pastor and church to commit to weekly consistent prayer for a neighboring church and pastor who pastors a church directly to the North, South, East, and West of their church locality (See downloadable form). Accordingly, each pastor and church would be responsible for four pastors and churches who they would pray for on a regular basis and be a source of encouragement to. WNOP has redesigned the “PrayerNet” with greater appeal and simplicity to be used as a tool to prompt participants of their commitment.

The times, dates, lengths, and focuses of corporate prayer rendered for the chosen applicable pastors/churches will be based upon the discretion of the supporting pastor, thus allowing flexibility for each participating church. Examples of corporate prayer occasions may be during: Focused prayer on a designated church prayer night or organized church prayer events (Ex: Men’s, Ladies’, Youth, Singles’, and Children’s Prayer, etc.); Congregational Prayer service; Pre-service Prayer; Prayer-Requests service; All-Night, Special Event, and Special Group Prayer meetings; etc.

The implementation of the “PrayerNet:”

  • Click the button above to download the PrayerNet Poster

  • Pull out a map of UPCI churches in your immediate vicinity, and determine the pastor and church who are the closest distance to the North, South, East, and West of your current church location.

  • Fill in the names of the four pastors and churches selected.

  • Introduce the “PrayerNet” to the church assembly and fervently promote it. Display the “Prayer Net” on the church bulletin board and/or make photocopies to distribute to the church congregation.

  • General reminders to consistently pray for the targeted pastors and churches also may be listed in the church bulletin or verbally over the pulpit. Many individuals may further choose to make this commitment as part of their personal prayer schedule.

  • Render general prayer for the targeted pastors and churches. Also, pray for specific needs that you may be aware of for a particular pastor/congregation.

  • Feel free to occasionally send a postcard, email, or text or use other sources of communication to relay to the targeted pastor “We are praying for you…,” along with any other encouraging godly message desired.

  • As an option, the “PrayerNet” can be potentially expanded to also include other apostolic and/or denominational churches, intended as a form of community and outreach.

  • To assist in your “PrayerNet” commitment, WNOP also will post creative, online prayer agendas on how to effectively pray for pastors and churches.

  • Finally, anticipate with us GREAT SUCCESS, not only for the pastors and churches who you have committed to consistently pray for, but also as in a reciprocal effect, the GREAT SUCCESS and BLESSINGS that are destined to return to your own local church body as a result!

    The implementation of the “PrayerNet” will create a dynamic pastor-to-pastor synergy that will continually foster unity and initiate greater revival and harvest! Philippians 2:4 says “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Such camaraderie of support will usher in the blessings of God upon every participating pastor and church! Psalm 133:1-3 says “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.. for there the LORD commanded the blessing…” Souls…All of this is good, but there’s nothing like UNITY in the brotherhood!

    In this great appeal, EVERY pastor is strongly urged to implement the “PrayerNet” initiative in their church. The “PrayerNet” is a powerful God-ordained tool that will form a strong pastoral prayer network in our UPCI fellowship! With GREAT confirmation, if implemented, it will positively impact every church, including every pastor and their family!