Checklist for Prayer Leaders

Use this checklist to assist you as you develop your local church prayer ministry.
Focus additional effort on any areas that you did not check.

Designate one of the following: ( C) Completed (I) In process (N) Needs initiation

□ I have a regularly scheduled meeting with my pastor at least once a month.

□ I have developed a prayer ministry team and meet with   them at least once at month.

□ I have a written job description for my role as prayer coordinator signed by my pastor and myself.

□ I have met with the leader of every ministry in the church to find how the prayer ministry can help them with prayer resources and training.

□ I have scheduled a workshop for prayer and ministry leaders on how to lead small group and corporate prayer.

□ I am working with my pastor and prayer ministry leadership team to develop a church prayer strategy or update the one in existence.

□ I have developed and submitted next year’s prayer ministry budget to the board.

□ I have scheduled at least one annual all church prayer and fasting event.

□ I have plans in place for an annual church prayer seminar/conference.


A Month of Prayers for Your Church


Small Group Prayer Agenda