How to Pray for Christian Education

You have an incredible opportunity to change the future. Join with Christians around the world in a spirit of international unity by participating in prayer. You can play a vital part in the future of our world by reaching across international time-zones through the avenue of powerful intercessory prayer for:

  • Bible colleges

  • Christian elementary and high schools

  • Day care ministries

  • Chaplains

  • School teachers

  • Students

  • Parents

More than ever before, the church today needs schools for children and colleges for men and women to sharpen their Bible skills. Our military needs a mighty revival of praying intercessors. Administrators, instructors, chaplains, and students desire your prayers and encouragement. The decisions they make affect not only this generation but also those that will follow.

More than ever before, the church today needs schools for children and colleges for men and women to sharpen their Bible skills.

When praying for these students, teachers, and leaders remember the following Scriptures and pray they will:

  1. Act justly, lover, mercy, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

  2. Hunger and thirst for righteous (Matthew 5:6).

  3. Hunger for the Word of God (Psalm 1119:103).

  4. Recognize that God alone gives wisdom, understanding, and knowledge (Psalm 111:10).

  5. Possess the wisdom and discernment necessary to meet the tasks before them (I Kings 3:12).

  6. Hate evil, love good, and maintain a relationship with God (Amos 5:14).

  7. Maintain an attitude of humility, always mindful of those they are serving (I Peter 5:5).

  8. Be on guard, stand firm in the faith, and be men and women of courage (I Corinthians 16:13).

  9. Consider purity and truth they’re highest calling (I Timothy 4:16).

  10. Allow truth to prevail and strongholds of confusion and deception to be exposed (Philippians 4:8-9).

  11. Be surrounded by the Lord’s favor and protection (Psalm 5:12).

  12. Be teachers who are exemplary role models in speech, conduct, and doctrine (Proverbs 3:1-12).

  13. Nurture children in godly traditions, teaching respect for the dignity of life (Ephesians 6:4).

  14. Nor succumb to peer pressure, but rather set an example in speech, love, and purity (I Timothy 4:12).

  15. Humble themselves and lead us forth in the healing of our land (II Chronicles 7:14).

Those who dare to preach and teach, must never cease to learn.


Prayer Guide for Men


How to Pray for North American Missions