Prayer Guide for Men

Pray for yourself and your home (Isaiah 57:15).

  • Pray that you will be filled with the humble, holy, yielded, obedient spirit of Jesus. Commit yourself to maintain a pure heart before God and a clear conscience before all men. Ask God to increase your hunger and thirst for righteousness and for His Word.

  • Ask God to make you an instrument of revival in your home, church, and community.

  • Pray that you and your mate will grow together in deep love and oneness. Ask God to show you how you can better serve and meet the needs of your mate.

  • Ask God to make you a wise and godly spiritual leader for your children. Ask Him to give them consistent love and discipline. Pray that your children will become pure, obedient, faithful servants of Christ.

Pray for our church (Psalm 85:6).

  • Pray that our church will be characterized by fervent love for God, genuine love for the brethren, oneness in spirit, and a bold holy testimony in the community.

  • Pray for conviction of sin – materialism, temporal values, pride, indifference, laziness, lack of love, impurity, worldliness – and for a spirit of humility and repentance.

  • Pray for a renewed commitment to obedience and to the authority of the Scripture and the Lordship of Christ. Pray for a deep heart burden for the lost and for a spirit of prayer.

  • Pray that those who profess to know Christ but do not really possess Him, will recognize their need and will be born again.

Pray for our church leadership (Colossians 4:2-3).

  • Pray that our leaders will have perfect hearts towards God.

  • Pray that God’s power and anointing will be on each ministry of the church.

  • Pray for wisdom to discern God’s mind and direction for each aspect of the ministry.

Pray for our pastors (Jeremiah 23:11).

  • Pray that they will lead the way in humility, repentance, and prayer.

  • Pray that they will not be motivated by a fleshly desire of recognition, but that they will live and minister for the glory of God alone.

  • Pray that God will protect their families from the attacks of Satan.

  • Pray that they will be faithful in proclaiming the truth of God’s Word, and that they will not be bound by tradition or fear of men.

  • Pray that they will be pure in life and doctrine.

Pray for our service today (James 1:23-24).

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict men and women of sin.

  • Pray that people would respond in obedience.

  • Pray for strength and anointing for the Pastor.

  • Pray through the message, ask God to speak to your heart first and then to the hearts and lives of others.


How to Pray for Christian Education